April activities

Sun Group:

This month the suns have been exploring lots of messy play, body painting and muddy activities. The children enjoyed exploring activities such as muddy farm yards, construction sites and role play baking in the mud kitchen. The children have also began planting seeds such as sunflowers and ensuring they water them daily. The sun room have been having fun with music and sounds, demonstrating their dancing skills using the pom poms and instruments as well as following instructions for actions in songs. Suns have also shown an interest in story books this month, these have been incorporated into activities such as colour mixing with the colour mixing and Giraffe’s can’t dance.


Moon Group:

During April the moonies continued to explore spring time, the children have planted sunflowers to take home and observe their growth, looking at the life cycle of a seed and how to help them to grow. The children have explored the outdoor environment looking for signs of Spring and noticed the seasons colours on blossom trees, daffodils and bluebells. The children continued to explore colour by using her fingers to paint flowers and blossom trees. The children have made daffodils using cupcake cases and lollypop sticks too. Colour mixing was experimented using their hands to explore the paint and making new colours by combining them together. The role play area this month was a construction zone with diggers, sand and bricks, pretended to build walls for their houses and transporting sand using diggers, scoops and spades. The story of the 5 little pigs story was incorporated into the home corner with experimenting with sticks and straws to see who’s house was the strongest!

Pre-School Star Group:

The preschool star children have had an exciting start to the spring months over the last 4 weeks. We have taken part in lots of planting ready for the warmer weather including sunflower pots, cress gardens and watching broad beans grow in glass jars. The children have experienced the beans growing each day and have observed the changes as the beans grow shoots and roots. The life cycle of a flower have been recreated using playdough, in cutting and sticking activities and explored in the role play florist. The children have shown an interest in the different parts of a flower including the process of creating honey from the collection of nectar; the group thoroughly enjoyed making their own bees from pipe cleaners and lolly sticks and using these to collect pollen (crumbs) from the flowers. This learning was extended by making our own honey comb to taste. Finally we have began preparations for the children’s transition to school in September! This has included practicing self care routines such as bottom wiping using balloons, getting dressed and undressed for PE and exploring the village, becoming familiar with the local community and its features.

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